Warmest greetings my friends!
I live in the mountains of Asheville N.C. with my wife Sarah. Welcome to my website and thank you for taking the time to experience the world as I see it. I hope you leave feeling a little lighter and inspired by the great beauty in this wonderful world. I’ve always been intoxicated and enchanted with the beauty of this beloved home we call Earth, and I am happiest when I’m frolicking in Nature, away from the noise and frantic pace of modern life.
It is my belief that beauty is more than “something pretty to look at.” Beauty is a reflection of the deeper Nature of the ordered universe and points to timeless truths that speak to our hearts, inspire us, and nourish our souls. It is my personal belief that the existence of beauty in the universe is an expression of Love.
My primary desire and passion as an artist is to employ the medium of photography to compose and craft scenes that capture the mood and feeling of deep reverence and awe that I experience when I am interacting with the beauty of Nature. I take great care and spend countless hours seeking out just the right spots to photograph. I don’t click the shutter button unless I am personally moved and touched by what I see, and my hope is to convey these unique experiences to the viewer as well. As a man of Faith, I have the personal belief that God has gifted Nature to us as a wonderfully beautiful, living and breathing masterpiece that is continually unfolding before our eyes. This is an incredibly precious gift that never ceases to astound me. Words can’t describe how it makes me feel.
The coolest and most wonderful thing is that I get to be a co-creator with all of this unfolding beauty. My belief is that we are all made in the image of God, and as such we are “little creators” that have been given the ability to co-create with Nature and weave our own unique contributions into the fabric of this unfolding story. It is my Joy to weave my own creative contributions into the larger story of Creation, and that is my deepest drive and passion as an artist. It is an honor for me to have the opportunity to add a few small brush strokes of my own during my brief time here on Earth.
~ All my best to you, Dan